
Blaire Morriss

aromatherapist + Nurse Practitioner + Founder

Aromatherapy has been my passion for over 20 years, so fresh out of college, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I completed 440 hours of training in aromatherapy and herbalism, to become a certified aromatherapist and opened my own private practice.

Since then, my career has expanded in ways I never imaged possible. I have lived in India teaching others to distill essential oils + working with various Indigenous healing systems. I have earned a Master’s degree in Nursing, completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine, and received an additional aromatherapy certification, the Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Professional. I also completed Duke’s Health Coaching Certificate Program, trained in clinical herbalism and nutrition and have taught at various institutions including UCSF, Vanderbilt, and Duke. Prior to taking the leap of faith and starting my own business, I spent 9 years at Vanderbilt University in their Integrative Medicine clinic following my passion of Integrative Health Care.

At the heart of it all is my passion for aromatherapy and its role in well-being. As a clinical aromatherapist + Health coach—a fully trained Aromatic Apothecary—I do what I love most. I meet with clients, assess needs and create custom essential oil blends. I get to mix and smell, test and revise like a chemist at work in the lab — or a chef in the kitchen— until I get it just right. And then comes the best part…I get to share it with you!

I believe in the power of essential oils and I look forward to sharing THE OIL JAR with you.